Friday, November 2, 2007

Our 1st blog

I was so excited to have Shannon come over tonight and help me set up our own blog. Carson came over and played the Gamecube while Lanie and Bennett ran circles around the house. We even had a visit from Elizabeth tonight. She came to pick up Aaron's clothes so that her quilting club can make them into blankets for the kids and myself.
Chandler went to a friends house to stay the night and Samuel well, he is in Fayetteville. A friend of Samuel's was picked to be the ball boy at an Arkansas Razorback basket-ball game tonight. His friend could bring someone and he chose to ask Samuel. Samuel didn't even know about it untill this morning. They also got free tickets to go to the Razorback football game tomorrow night. They are playing South Carolina. Samuel will be back in time to meet us at church on Sunday morning.
Lanie is not feeling quite herself today. She is asking to go to bed and even slept on the couch this evening for a little bit. I think she might be trying to get sick. Pray for her and for the family that we stay healthy.
Chandler will playing in the chapionship game for the 7 and 8 yr old football league. If they win they will be 9-0. Then on Tuesday evening they will play for the city championship. He was chosen to play with the all-star football team so we will be footballing it for another week. I don't mind I love to watch my kids play.


Leah said...

YAHOO! It finally happened! The Lord knew how bad we needed this. We seem so far away from you all and we just want to see, touch, talk to you all!
Wish we could be there for the All-Star game. We finally finished our undefeated season - lost to the Northern Maddawgs in the Superbowl on Sunday. The boys were crushed but they played so hard. Raegan is sad that cheering is over for the season but mom is, well.....cheering!!
It has gotten quite cold here lately and I know we all will be battling some kind of funk soon too. Give Lanie some Children's Motrin and keep your fingers crossed! You know she's getting sick when she wants to go to bed! After all, "she's just not good at that". She's a dollbaby and I love her to pieces. Kiss her all over for me. And while your at it squeeze those cheeks of Bennett's! The boys need some wrestling I'm sure, either that or a stiff game of pool - Uncle Joel would love to show off. love, love, love you all. Great job on the blog!

Shannon said...

I was so glad to help you out tonight...just don't steal all my bloggers! (wink) I enjoyed our visit. You know that we love you and the kiddos and are here for you. We miss Aaron but it's been exciting to see how God is still working through him.

Beth said...

Hey Christina! Thanks for showing us this site. We created a blog, too. We'll see you tomorrow at Chandler's game. Hope Lanie gets to feeling better and I really hope she's not getting that yucky stuff we just got over. Call if you need us.
~John and Beth

Anonymous said...

Christina, thanks for sharing the blog site...I've been thinking a lot about you and the kids, especially you and Samuel. Sounds like he's staying busy...are you sleeping better now?
This is the time of year Aaron and I loved to ride in FL, especially the first day of the time change...
thanks for letting me be part of everything, Aaron meant a lot more to me as a friend and brother than anone I know that's not family...I'm not good at staying close to anyone, we had a bond. I pray for you a lot, when I think about you...I wish I could really help somehow. Please call me or Laura if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

Christina, this is pretty cool, thanks for inviting me. I think about you everyday and say a prayer for you and the kids, I miss you so much and want to call, I just don't want to drive you crazy. I am glad you are staying busy, I love it when my kids are in sports but they don't have the greatest sports programs here in England. We will have to see what they have when we get back in June. Right now, I am busy with Cub Scouts, Violin lessons, Kumon (a math program) and Awana. That is enough for me right now.
Please just know we love you and are here!! Take care and I will give you a ring soon.

Love ya, Susan

Laurie said...

Hey I am so proud of you! Shannon even got me blogging. She kept me informed of everything with her blog. I am really glad you told me about this. I pray for you guys every day. I still am in shock. I can't imagine what it is like for you. Whitney has not forgotten you in her prayers since it happened. Take care and I hope Lanie stays well. It is really good to hear you blogging. My blog is Maybe will will stay in touch better.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are doing well. So glad to get your Blog. It's great. Blessings: JH & June Anne

Anonymous said...

Neat! I Like it. Maybe I will start one too...but I would probably neglect mine. That is so neat about Samuel and going to see the Razorbacks, I'm sure he is having fun!
You were right about Noah. He started walking at 9 months and has not stopped since!
Look foward to reading more!

Jeanne robinson said...

I am so excited to see that you have a blog. My life is so busy and I have a hard time sending out mail and I never have time for the phone, but i am always near the computer helping Hannah with her homework so I will be checking on you through your blog. Christina you are in our prayers. love you jeanne