Monday, November 19, 2007


This is a picture of Chandler's tooth in a horizontal position. He has been wanting me to pull it for the past week. Just a couple of days ago he wouldn't let me try to pull it out. Last night he wanted me to try again and what do you know.......

Here is a picture of the Robert's kids and the McCoy kids enjoying an evening together.
Rhonda and me posing while the kids were playing.
Ned, Rhondas husband cleaning after dinner . Lanie took this picture. She loves to take pictures of everything!


Anonymous said...

I especially like the picture of Ned. Again I say, he should have those gloves! He is truly a wonderful husband and father, I don't deserve him!

Jeanne robinson said...

Rhonda Thanks for being there for Christina I truly saw you just be a blessing to her on Sunday, and Through that you had blessed me and encouraged me. You do deserve her husband! Christina love the pictures. Love jeanne

Jeanne robinson said...

I love the picture of you losing your tooth. I was so excited to see you Sunday. You are in my daily prayers. Love Hannah