Saturday, November 3, 2007

Football Saturday

Today has been a rough day for Lanie and me. She still wasn't herself this morning and neither was I. I think that I am so tired that everything is getting to me. I haven't talked to Samuel sence yester day at 2:00, so that might be a factor as well.

Boy did we have a fun time at Chandler's Championship football game. Go Cowboys! The game was very nerve racking to say the least. Both teams are very athletic and competitive. Chandler had a couple of great tackles all by himself. The final score was 19-12. The Cowboys won. Their record is 9-0.

After the game John and Dawson took Chandler out on the 4-wheeler. Chandler said that he had a blast. He got to ride on it all by himself. His Daddy always wanted to get them 4-wheelers, but Mommy didn't like the idea because of them being to dangerous.

One thing(of many) that the Lord has tought me though the loss of my husband is to live life like you weren't promised tomorrow, because we aren't. Enjoy each moment, give everything you have, and treat each other with respect and love, like Jesus did.

Ruts and potholes. Shadows and darkness. The journey of life can sometimes be very troubling. We are fearful of the unknown. But God's word reminds us to trust, to beleive, and to hope.
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them- the Lord, who renmains faithful forever. Psalm 146:5-6


Beth said...

Thank you for your encouraging words, Christina. I posted them on my blog to share with my friends and family. We're so glad Chandler had fun with John and Dawson. We're really blessed to have you guys in our life.

PS. I fixed my CM link. I had a typo in it. It links to your CM site now. Thanks for letting me know it wasn't working!

Amy said...

I'm so proud of you for starting this blog. I think having a creative outlet will be a blessing. Sometimes it helps me to journal my thoughts and feelings. Plus, it's amazing how we can look back and see how the Lord continues to bless us even through the storms.