Monday, November 26, 2007

Back to reality

The trip home went well, besides missing one of my exits we were fine. I know something was wrong when I entered Louisiana. I called Mac to see where I had to go from there. I knew he had driven that way before. I was fine, besides some anxiety, I just had to go the back roads instead of going the main highways. Either way it took me 10 1/2 hours to get home. I'm not sure if I will split the drive up next time though. We played musical beds each time we stayed in a hotel so I don't know if it was worth splitting up the driving time or not. Because I didn't get much sleep.

My cats were taken care of very well while we were away. I think they missed us though because they couldn't get enough lovin last night. The house looked great but we were missing one thing, Aaron. I think I did better while we were away emotionally. Since being at home, I have had a rough time. Yesterday I just sat on the couch all afternoon and watched football with the kids. I didn't feel like doing anything.

Today I tried to pull myself together and went to the gym and then I had to go to wal-mart to get milk. I came home and started putting the stuff away and the doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone so I went to the door and there was a gentleman with a package. I wasn't expecting a package either. What a nice surprise. I opened it and it was a picture of me and the kids that we had taken at the church after Aaron was no longer with us. Well, needless to say I could have done without that package today. I just put the picture back in the package and put it away for now. Maybe someday I can deal with the fact that I am a single parent now, but right now I just can't.

1 comment:

Jeanne robinson said...

Hang in !!there just letting you know that I said a prayer for you today. I was checking in on you all weekend long, making sure you got home ok. Have a GREAT week. Love Jeaane God IS IN CONTROL