Saturday, November 17, 2007

Long drive

After a long drive we have made it part of the way for our Thanksgiving vacation. The kids have been wonderful in the car so far!! I am so happy that I only had to get on to Chandler and Lanie once or twice. We all are really tuckered out so this will be short tonight. You all go to church in the morning and praise God for giving you one more day on his beautiful creation. God bless you all!


Shannon said...

Glad all went well. You were on my mind all day. Prayers for tomorrow and the rest of the week.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that I will see you guys tomorrow!

Love you

Jeanne robinson said...

Christina it was great to see you and the children, Wow you are a very strong woman. God is going to use you even more than ever. What an inspiration you are to me. I wonder if I will be as strong as you when my time for this to come. Have a beautuful Thanksgiving. Remember taht God os always taking care of us and He is always with us. Love ya, Jeanne Hannah could not wait to see you she was so excited to see Chandler, You are doing a great Job!!

is to come