Thursday, November 15, 2007

Busy day

Well, I really didn't feel up to writing anything tonight because the day had been so busy. I took the boys to school, went by advance auto parts, the bank, the pool place and then took the 2 younger kids to school. All that before 9AM. After that I went home to start packing and what ya know, the phone rang off the hook and things popped up left and right that I had to take care of. I am so thankful that I have 2 days a week to do those kind of things without the little ones pulling at my legs. Thanks Central for having a Mom's Day Out program that teaches our children while I am getting a break! It was nice to hear from friends and the encouraging words that they had in between all of the other phone calls. I never mind when someone calls. If I am busy I just let the machine get it and I always listen to it later. Isn't technology nice sometimes.

Jim took care of getting Aaron's ribbon rack fixed for me today. There were a few things left off that we wanted to make sure were right. Aaron would have wanted it done right. He always said.... pay attention to detail and do it right the 1st time even if it takes you a little longer to do it.

I think that today was the 1st night that we were home and no one had to be anywhere. It was good because Samuel and Chandler wanted to help pick out their clothes for our trip. While I was helping Chandler, Samuel was doing his homework and Lanie was cutting and pasting a craft together. Boy, does that girl love the glue and the scissors! She made me a torn down house. She had gotten the idea from when they were tearing down some houses by the church for more parking space. She cut and pasted for about an hour I think.

After I got them all in bed I sat in the living room for a little bit and was just reminiscing of the evenings that Aaron and would spend together after the kids were all tucked in. Usually we would get out the stash. Ya know the cookies ,cake, ice cream and what ever else we could find! I had a root beer float in honor of him tonight! The phone rang a little later and I really didn't want to answer it because my 1st thought was... its not Aaron and it never will be. It was my friend Rhonda from Florida. She could tell that I had been crying so we ended up crying together. There were tears of sadness and tears of Joy. There will be lots of tears for years to come I'm sure!

1 comment:

Jeanne robinson said...

Praise God for Rhonda, what a blessing she is for you. I went to bed praying for you. I found your blog last night (thanks for that). I am always wondering how you and the children are doing.Thanks I do not have to wonder now. Hang in there Aaron had some of that root bear float with you, He is your Guardian Angel that is walking with you. We love you and constantly praying for you. love jeanne
Thanks for writing last night!!