Saturday, December 29, 2007

what a day

I did not want to get out of bed today.....But I did.....I didn't do anything but lay on the couch until 3:00. I didn't feel like being Mom today at all. I'm glad that my friend Rhonda was here to help me with that. What am I going to do when she leaves and I have another one of these days. Who will I call? Let's see..... it could be any of you so beware!!!

After dragging my bootie off of the couch I took a bath and pulled myself together. I had a babysitter (3 of them) lined up for a girls night out so I had to get on it. We went out and had hibachi and then we went to Barnes and Noble to get coffee and look at some books. I got a real nice phone call that made things seem hopeful. We all had a few lighthearted conversations and some intense ones as well. It is so nice to have honest friends that look out for you.
Prov 17:17 A friend loves at all times...

Ya know...things seem bad in my life but they could be worse! Before you leave any one of worth to you remember to show them just how you feel about them because it might just be the very last time that you ever speak to them.


Beth said...

You can call us anytime. You know we're here for you, girl.
Love ya!
John and Beth

Aimee said...

day or night...doesn't matter because these days i am up most of the nights anyways!!! i love you and i am trying to plan another trip out to see you!!


Leah said...

I'd be there in a flash! I WISH we were right down the street! Hang in there and keep your head up. Everytime we think our life is terrible we find out about someone else's difficulty or tragedy and we are reminded how good our Lord is and how abundant His blessings are in our life. I love you!

Jeanne robinson said...

Happy New Year Christina,
Its a new year and I pray that the Lord will show you many peaceful days ahead. Love ya and just wanted to let you know that I said a prayer for you at midnight.
God bless,