Monday, December 10, 2007

Through the eyes of a child

Lanie woke up in the middle of the night last night in a panic. She was yelling that she wanted to talk with someone from church. I finally got her calmed down and we both fell asleep. The next morning when she came to snuggle with me I asked her if she remembered that she woke up last night. She immediately said, "I wanted to talk to so and so." I asked her what she wanted to say to him and she didn't answer. A few seconds later she said, "He looks like my Daddy". Then she went on to say "Can so and so be my Daddy?" I told her "no, he is married." I let this person know today what was going on and he talked to her and told her that he would be there for her whenever she needed but that he could not be her Daddy because she already had a Daddy."

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