Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas day

hey everyone.....I know that you all were worried about me on Christmas Day but to tell you the truth we had a wonderful day. The days that are not busy are the hard days.

On Christmas day we got up and read the Christmas story out of Luke chapter 2 then we opened all of our gifts. After that Aleecia and I cooked breakfast. We had pancakes, bacon and ham. We didn't eat until @ 11:00 so in essence we had brunch. After brunch we cleaned up the mess that the tornado made inside my house so that the company that was coming over could actually walk through my house. After getting all of that taken care of I cooked Christmas dinner. We didn't have the traditional...we had Italian(homemade Lasagna). Aleecia, Mark, Stephen, Kristen and Stephen and their kids came over and then someone I met from the base that had no family in town for the holidays cam over. We had so much fun after dinner, conversation, and when Mark got finished with the dishes we played foosball and Mad Gab. While I was getting the kids in bed the guys played pool. I thought alot about Aaron and how he would have loved it too!

Today my sister and her family went back to FL...I'm jealous I wanted to go to! The beach is calling my name. This morning I picked up my friend Rhonda that flew in from FL. She will be here through the 1st. We went to lunch and to church tonight. After the kids went to bed Brandy and I did Hip Hop Abs( like we need it) while Rhonda read in her book. I wasn't tired so we put a movie in. She went to bed and I have been on the computer talking with friends. I am getting sleepy now so I am going to call it a night. I will post Christmas pictures tomorrow.

May God bless you all.....Christina


Jeanne robinson said...

I am so glad that God has answered our prayers. I am so proud that you all had a great day. Tell Rhonda that I said hello. I pray that she has a relaxing time with you all. be safe and remember you are in my prayers daily. love ya, jeanne

Jeanne robinson said...

Christina did you find out who the elvea were? God Bless you jeanne

Jeanne robinson said...

I mean elves. He He