Thursday, January 31, 2008


What makes a good friend?

It seems that nothing matters more than being true. Good friends keep their promises, they don't tell your secrets to other people, and they don't desert you, even when you are in trouble. Loyal friends not only lend a hand when you are in need, they applaud your successes and cheer you on without envy when you prosper.

Every friend that you will ever have will disappoint you. The wisdom of Proverbs warns that the wounds of a friend are faithful. What that means is that not everything needs to be forgiven but that somethings need overlooked and forgotten. Don't forget forgiveness is a 2-way street. Unless you are a saint you are bound to offend, intentionally or unintentionally. The friends that we keep the longest are those who forgive and overlook the most.

Genuine friendship cannont exist where one of the people is unwilling to hear the truth. Does this mean brutal honesty? not really. Telling the truth requires honesty carefully delt in the context of respect. If the respect is not there then the honesty can be a lethal weapon. Honesty also means being authentic. Be yourself, don't try to be just like your friend.

The defining mark of dedication is sacrifice. Nothing speaks more loudly than an action of selflessness. It is work to keep any type of relationship alive. I beleive that friendships are the hardest. We blame not doing things for each other on busy schedules, deadlines, or even distance. but the reality is that friendships wither because of one thing...lack of dedication. Personal sacrafice, selfless devotion, and commitment are the noble qualities that dedication requires.

As you contemplate this list, consider how well you provide these qualities to your friends. You may neglect your intimate friends from time to time, but if you fail to cultivate the qualities of loyalty, forgiveness, honesty, and dedication then you can't expect to keep true friends for long.

Phil. 2:4 says, "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."
Eph. 4:32 Paul writes, "Be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." He is the example that we strive daily to emulate!

always looking up ~Christina~


Anonymous said...

Well written and well thought out!

I've read it already three or four times since you wrote it. I guess I clicked on about the time you posted it. I'm going to read it over a few more times, and then I may comment tomorrow. Thanks for being my friend, and I hope I can measure up in all four catagories. If I can, it will only be after lots of work and polishing.

Sleep well!

Leah said...

Much like a marriage, friendship takes work! And nothing worth having ever comes easy. The trust that builds can build slowly or over time but it can be broken oh so quickly! We must be willing to give and forgive. Sometimes friendships are 50-50 but most of the time it is 60-40 or 70-30. But sooner or later it will be our turn to need and what we have given usually comes back to us.
You made some great points and it's always good to take inventory of how we treat others. Not only are you my family, you are my friend! Love you

Anonymous said...

Last night, I wrote "well written and well thought out!"

I thought that after I read over your blog some more I would have more to say, and The Lord knows that I always have something to say. However, I'm (almost) at a loss for words.

True friends don't come along every day. If we have two or three true friends, I believe we've been blessed. These four characteristics and the one additional one that Leah added (trust) are all extremely important, and it takes constant work to be a true friend.

As I said last night I need a lot of work and lots of polishing. Bear with me as I try to be better!


CM said...
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CM said...

Reading this blog reminds me of the song by Michael W. Smith "Friends". Friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them.....I think that is key. Allowing the Lord to be the Lord of your own life will allow Him to be the Lord of your relationships by remaining dedicated and loyal. Also having the heart to forgive and by always being honest.

Christina, I appreciate your friendship and am privileged to call you friend!

God be with you, Samuel, Chandler, Lanie and Bennett!

Leah said...

After reading and commenting on your blog about friendship I came across a paper from Raegan's Sunday School class. These 2 verses jumped out at me because they related so perfectly . Phil. 2:4 says, "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." And Eph. 4:32 Paul writes, "Be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." He is the example that we strive daily to emulate!

Rhonda's Rants! said...

Life is always full of odd coincidences. In our house we have been trying to teach our oldest, Katelyn, about the traits of a "true" friend. Needless to say much of what we have said has fallen on deaf ears. However, Bro. Mickey's sermon today was about all of the things that we have been trying to teach her. His sermon came from the book of Proverbs. During the invitation I grabbed Katelyn from where she sat with the youth and we went to the alter to pray. I think that I needed that today as much as she did. I hope that as she grows into a woman that she will develope the traits of a "true" friend and understand the dangers of befriending those who do not share her own beliefs. With all of that said, I hope that I have been a true friend to you!

I love you girl!