Wednesday, January 16, 2008


In this world we make choices everyday.....we make a choice when to get up or not to get up, we choose to do a devotion and pray or not, we choose what to wear, if were going to take a shower or a bath or not one at all, we choose to eat breakfast or in my case when to eat breakfast, it could be at 7 in the morning or 11 in the morning, we have a choice to go to work or not, sometimes we have a choice as to which way we will go to work, we have a choice to eat lunch alone or invite someone to go with us or then again not to eat lunch at all, we can choose to lite up that cigarette or to give it up completely, we have a choice of who we want to talk to or just plain avoid, we have choices on where we want to shop.....will it be wal-mart or target, we have the choice to exercise or not, to clean the house or not, to watch tv or not, to drink or not, to clean or house or not, to mow the grass or not, to go to church or not.

The one thing you don't have a choice about is when you take that very last breath..........God chooses that for you!

All of that to say that .............I wrote this blog tonight so that maybe it will help at least one person realize that your life is in fact not your own.
Your life belongs to God weather you have chosen him or not!
He choose to send his son to die for you! John 3:16

1 comment:

Susan said...

Very well put Christina. You also have the choice to redeem yourself if you (not you specifically, but anyone!!) do not yet accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior!!! I am very happy with my choice and I will try to live my life as He has put before me. I praise the Lord everyday for what I have been blessed with, and in the event of a sudden death, as what happened to Aaron and my Mother, I am ready to be with my Savior!! Choose wisely!!! :)
Lots of love, Susan