Aaron and I discussed on more than 4 or 5 occasions that if something were to happen to either one of us then we wanted for each other to get re-married again. (that means we would have to meet people) We both told each other at the time that we would never consider that. I explained to him that he would need help with the kids as well as other needs that would need to be met. He definitely couldn't raise 4 kids on his own. He said the same to me. He begged me to find someone that God intended for me to be with after he was gone. He didn't want me to be alone. I wouldn't have wanted that for him either.
Now that I am technically single I find myself looking....Looking at men thinking maybe he is the one that God will put in my life to make me whole once again. Dating...yuck.....I never wanted to do that again, ever! I was such a good wife, I am definitely not a good single person. I could see myself dating again, but is it wrong, is it too soon? Only I will be able to know if it is too soon. No one can fully understand all of the emotions that we are experiencing. There will be people who say it is good and there will be people who say it is too soon, how can she be speaking with another male? I am not going to be able to please everyone on this matter. I don't want any of you to worry because, I will be looking to the Lord for guidance on this issue and pray that he sends me another prince charming for the Lord. Not my will but His be done!!
In his timing......Christina
Christina, I believe there is another Prince Charming out there for you. And you are exactly right. None of us have been in your shoes so we have no right to judge if it is too soon. Shad and I have also talked many times about the same thing. We would both want the other to meet someone and be happy again. I have two friends at my church who have lost their husbands. One has remarried and had twins and the other is still single. I know you will follow God's path that He has planned for you!
I Love You,
"single life...yuck" That's quiet fitting! Single life can have its advantages, but along the way, the "yuck" way-out-weighs the advantages. I'm not in any position to give advice that will fit your situation, but I do know that looking for "Prince Charming" or for some,"Princess Charming", can be an Exciting-Dissapointing-Venturesome-Boring-Stressful-Relaxing-Expensive-Cheap-Wonderful-Awful-And-Definitely-An-Experience..Experience. You will know when the time is right! You WILL be faced with opinions of others. Some that you are waiting to hear, and some that you really don't want to hear. But you can handle that, I believe in you! Now.. about this "Prince Charming" thing, there's one thing you need to remember. You've read enough books when you were a little girl, and probably even have read them to Lanie, to know that he's going to be disguised. Make sure you look at the frogs...sometimes a good "quality" frog can make the best Prince. In the mean time, let The Lord lead you on the journey. He will guide you and probably let you have a little input in the decision. Being single, with or without kids, can be difficult. Being married, with or without kids, can also. Take your time, love your kids, love and follow The Lord, and wait on HIS lead.
Don't worry about tomorrow as it will take care of itself.....I know the Lord is the strength of your life and your portion forever!
The qualities I have seen in you are a few of many reasons why I believe that you are a spectacular catch for the man the Lord has for you!
You have a friend here that will be of support, lifting you up in prayer asking Him to lead you not only in this decision but all of those that you will allow me to pray with you about.
Have an incredible night and look forward to the next time we chat!
My only wish for you is happiness! I realize that I have been quick to offer opinion and advise to you...I hope that you still love me and realize that any questioning and advice has been given with both the children and your best interest at heart. You know that I am always here for you...all the way down in Florida! I am supportive of any decision you make that will make you happy. Please know that you can come to me anytime for an ear to hear you and a hug if you need one. (Bring the duct tape in case I get lippy! :)) Just remember to continue going God in prayer, his advice is always going to lead you in the right direction!
Love You
Christina, do you remember us having this exact conversation almost a month ago?
Don't allow the opinions of others to cloud your judgement. There are few that have ever been in your shoes. I KNOW that Aaron would want you to find another helpmate - release any guilt that others may heap on you over that. However, no one knows the right time. Don't look for someone, allow the Lord to direct you to him and him to you. Remember how you and Aaron met? You weren't exactly looking for a spouse but the Lord coordinated it just beautifully and we all know that He can do it again. So many times in our lives we just can't see our way through situations but when we've gotten through them and looked back we are able to see God's perfect plan and provision. I'm not saying the waiting in the meantime is a piece of cake but you know that your Heavenly Father, the one who knit you in your mother's womb, knows your every need.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths! To everything there is a season so guard your heart, serve your Lord and know that He will provide.
I love you
Oh Christina, I love your honesty! Aaron loved it too. I couldn't help but giggle when I read Leah' s note. They were my sentiments exactly! The way you and Aaron met was truely the Lord's hand. And that is why the Lord blessed your marriage. Now He is preparing you for something only He could have planned...no matter how uncomfortable it may seem! I'm sure it would seem much easier if God would just drop that man on your front lawn!! I know how much you loved Aaron, but even he had faults. Sometimes, we find it easy to romanticize about the ones we love too much(especially at a time of death). So it will be easy to try to compare every man to Aaron...there will be NO comparison! He was unique. And one day soon you'll start remembering some of those faults...and think the next time around I would like someone with out that fault. However, the Lord put you both together because you complimented each other. So where am I going with all this birdwalking? Well, I was thinking about another of my favorite passages of scripture; Philippians 4:4-8. (v4)Rejoice! No matter what! (v5)Show it to all- in all! (v6)Tell the Lord! Remember, He already knows. And thank Him for answered prayer! (v7)God will sustain you and give you peace that can not be explained! And finally,(v8)Immerse yourself in God's Word! Sooo...slow down-don't get ahead of God! He already knows what you are going thru! Tell Him your concerns and needs-Thanking Him for his hand in it, and what He is going to do! He has the power to Keep you and sustain you--Our only responcibility...to keep our mind focused on His pure Holy Word! His promise is Peace!! Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee. Okay! So I've just proven I was raised by a McCoy! (Get up and get over it!!! ha ha) I love you Christina, and I can't imagine the emotions you are going thru. I will never question God's timing in your life. His timing is never OUR timing! However, it is perfect and He gives Perfect Peace!
(I think this was good therapy for me too!) Hugs, Amy
You know the lord will direct you in this time of need. Please do not ever feel like you need to be alone and have a single life. Ken and I talk about this all the time. I always tell him that I would never date again that I would never find someone like him. yes I am properly right not like him because he is one of kind, just like Aaron, he was one of akind too. But Ken tells me that he would want me to meet someone. Aaron would not want you to be alone, and I am sure God and Aaron have it all worked out. They already have a Prince Charming for you picked out. it is just going to be on God time. I Might not know it all, but I do know that God loves you so much that He wants you to be happy again. Please listen to the Lord and please do not miss your opportunity to be happy again. Love ya and remember that I am always praying for you and the Children, Love Jeanne
Hey girl,
Like everyone else is pretty much saying, don't worry too much about what anyone thinks. I know your head is on straight enough to follow the leading of the Lord. It's normal for you to seek companionship, even if it's just for a male to be around right now.
I guess I can admit now to thinking, wow, is she already talking to guys? But I knew it was just that, just wanting someone besides us silly girls to talk with every so often. Someone to talk with from a guy POV, or even to tell you you're pretty today.
You'll know when the time is right to take the next step. We'll be with you all the way!
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