Saturday, February 2, 2008

Fabulous friday

Fridays are refered to as TGIF or Thank God Its Friday. It didn't feel like that for me today. As soon as I got up this morning I had a migrane, what a perfect way to start the day...WRONG!! The boys got off to school and were late, I layed on the couch while the little kids layed with me( I love it when they do that, because I love to snuggle). I decided that I needed to get up and try to get a little put together for the day because I had company come in from out of town. After an hour and a half bath, I didn't feel much better but I did go ahead and pull myself together. After arriving back at home I made the kids lunch and put them down for a nap. I slept when they slept in hopes of getting rid of the migrane that I stared the day with and it worked or maybe it was prayer. Im sure it was both!! After getting up I took the little kids to Kristen's so that I could pick Samuel up for his therapy appt. That went well!! He opened up and she gave him some suggestions. He told me that she told him alot of the same things that I have been telling him. Way to go mom!! Sorry a little pat on the back....Aaron would have encouraged me like that.

We had planned on going to the Winter Jam, which is a christian concert with lots of different bands, this evening. But, we didn't get there until 7PM that is when it started and what do you know it was totally sold out. We were trying to get there at 6Pm but one of our friends that we went with made us late...but I forgive her (or over look it) because I am a good friend. :) We decided to leave and go to dinner and a comedy show. We had a great time. So, even though we didn't get to go to the concert we still ahd a great time!! My cheeks hurt so much from laughing. While I was out Chandler went to the Hannah Montana movie concert, Samuel went to a razorbacks Basket Ball game, and the little kids went to McDonalds and were able to play in the playplace there. I sure hope that they all decide that they want to sleep in in the morning, because their Mommy is going to need to!


Jeanne robinson said...

You are a trooper Christina, You are so good at keeping us intouch with your daily life. Thank you so much for that. I notice the time you wrote, you are much better than me, I properly would of went to bed, or maybe not, I might not have wrote so much. Have a blessed weekend. Samual is on our prayer list I know God is working in his life. God is the answer. Samual is good to come out strong just like you and just like Aaron was. Love Ya, Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Fabulous Fridays seem to happen too few and too far between in most of our lives. I'm the type of person who rarely finds very much to complain about, and because of that I have a lot of "pretty good" days that can be on almost any day of the week. It's rare though to have a day that can be classified as "Fabulous". In this case though, I would have to agree that Friday was one of those "Fabulous" days. I'm sure the concert would have been great, but our plans changed and the rest is history. I was reading in an old book I've had for years, and found a something about makeing changes. In the book, it said "Change is creative. Change is enriching. Change is threatening. Change means growth...." etc. We made changes that turned a pretty good Friday into a "Fabulous Friday" for you, for me, and I guess for the others who were with us. I had already had these same thoughts before I even saw your posting. I guess great minds do think alike?

My weekend didn't end with Friday. For me Saturday was a pretty special day too. I won't go into much detail, but Saturday started early, and ended late, and the things that happened throughout the day was much better than "pretty good" too. I spent the entire morning with a group of wonderful Christian friends from church. I spent most of the afternoon with a couple of people who, over the past few months, have changed the way I look at life and my place in this life. Along with that part of my day, I also got to spend a few minutes with "a hand full" of other extremely special people who have become a huge part of my constant thoughts, prayers. Then I spent the evening with some old friends watching a movie at their home. And now here I am!

I was writing earlier about change. Four words that describe change (creative, enriching, threatening, growth). Making one change can be viewed by different people in different ways. When dealing with change, being creative means people grow and they are enriched and that can be threatening to people who normally keep all things the same in their life!

It's late and most people could care less about my rambling. This has been a "Fabulous" weekend so far, and I look forward to Sunday to see it continue.


Anonymous said...

Are you spending enough energy on your children? They should be your first and only priority right now. Four months is such a short time. Let yourself grieve and let God direct your paths. God requires us to be responsible to completely care and nurture and consider the children he lends to us on the earth. It seems that your time lately has been spent divided. Those children only get one childhood. Already, they have seen life's hard knocks. No boyfriend is my advice. No outsiders. Protect them first and protect yourself. This world is full of weirdos. Be careful.