Monday, January 14, 2008

busy weekend

Saturday we straightened up around the house and made banana bread. Lanie and Chandler helped. They both love to help me cook. I let them every time I can with the cooking, when I feel like it, that is. Saturday evening Kristen, Brandi, and I went out for Kristen's birthday. We went to a comedy show. It was good but they could do away with the language, that is for sure. It was very funny though I laughed so much my cheeks hurt. After that we hung out till @ 2:00. I guess I didn't make my 12:00 bedtime curfew, sorry Rhonda. The kids were at a friends house so I took advantage of the adult time. I wasn't able to sleep in because of church the next morning but that is ok.
Church was hard Sunday morning....I went to the altar to pray with a friend for her and her situation and I ended up balling because of how much I miss Aaron. It hit me that morning that he will never be there with me again. He will never ever touch me again, pray with me again, sit with me again, hold my hand again, wake up with me again, go places with me again, so on and so on. Needless to say it was a very emotional day for me. My head ended up hurting so I took a nap when the kids did and went back to church that evening. I was a little more put together for the evening service. I spent the evening with a friend and felt much better.
Today I did all of the laundry and picked up the house....I had a very productive day. A much better day emotionally than yesterday.


Jeanne robinson said...

You know it sure feels good to go to the alter and just give everything to our Heavenly Father. I know we pray and in our prayers we do that, but getting on our knees, God really talks to us. I know I was right where you were at yesterday and our friend Rhonda was right there by myside. what a blessing. God is really using her right now in many of our lives. I thank Him for that. All of our situations in our lives are different, and God hears everything, wow He must be really busy. I love you and I am glad you wrote because I have been checking on you and you had not written in a couple of days, I knew you had to be busy. Have a blessed week Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Like Jeanne, I too have been waiting to hear from you in your blog report. I have talked with you some on the phone, but it always seems to be cut short because of something. Today though, we had a good talk and even had a chance have some serious words about why people do the things they do! Why do people do the things they do? I think if you asked 100 people that question, you would get 100 different answers. Everyone doesn't think alike. God gives us some very definite direction and definite answers to some questions, but he also gives us room to make decisions on our own. Sometimes we make the best decision, and sometimes we don't. But it is ultimately our choice to make decisions based on His lead. There are two points to take from the vast amount of knowledge that I am sending your way!
1. He gives us "room" (see note above) to make these decisions, but we have to live with the results of our decisions. Like the answer I gave to your question today (Why). Sometimes we may stammer and studder when someone asks why we are doing something, and only answer that makes sense is "I just wanted to". I don't remember seeing an answer in God's Word to this question(the one you asked), so He gave me "room" to make my own decision. As long as my decision doesn't go against the definite direction or answer that God gives me, and I can live with the results then He's good with it! I was going to give you a 2nd point from my vast knowledge, but I think I spent it all on #1. I believe your blog is more theraputic for me than if I had my own. Keep asking questions, and I'll see you at the revival tomorrow night.
I hope you rest well!

Anonymous said...

Sure glad to hear that when those emotional times come that you allow yourself to follow through. We're not dealing with the grief that God intends for us if we stuff it. He can't teach us to deal with our situations when we're not open. Balance that out with scripture reading and He'll bring you to a place in your life that you've not had before. Paul said in Phil.3:10-16 that he wanted to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the FELLOWSHIP of SHARING IN HIS SUFFERINGS. Paul knew that the next step in spiritual growth was risky and costly but he was admitting he was ready. Some see the need and sometimes God knows we're ready. Paul knew he was not perfected yet but he acknowledged that he desired to completely know for what purpose God had laid hold of him (vs.16). Too many Christians are willing to coast along in their Christian life (including me). Even when God puts something in their life that would give them the opportunity to grow by, they resist, quenching the Spirit, and how can you use a vessel that's weak. I praise the Lord for your forward thinking attitude. Yes you greive and some days are rougher than others but you're confident that the Lord has a plan for you Jer.29:11 (from your blog). You're the soft clay in His hands, allowing Him to mold you into a "vessel of honor". I can hear God saying to Satan " Consider my servant Christina..... a woman who fears God and shuns evil". Through all this heart rendering time you have always known and been sensitive to how the Lord would want you to handle this event to bring honor to Him. Now, we're getting close to sharing in His sufferings. The Father willing gaving His ONLY Son to suffer the consequences of sin that we really deserved. That had to be painful, to turn His back on His son. Well, just some thoughts that the Lord has been teaching me. So first I was preaching and now I'm gonna mother you and remind you that having enough rest will help things go better.:) I love you !!!

Rhonda's Rants! said...

I will let you slide on the curfew just this one time! I am glad that Monday was a better day for you...I hope that our talk helped at least alittle. :)
Love You

June Anne Brorsen said...

Hi Christina
I am so glad to hear that you are leaning on the Lord. You are being healed with each event. Only God knows when that healing is complete. Remembering that God is in control even when we are not.
You are in our daily prayers.
Sorry, we didn't get to see you when you were here.
We love you and your precious children.
I will try to remember to read your Blog more often.
Blessings to you and your children.
June Anne