Wednesday, January 30, 2008


This blog is to inform everyone to pray for Samuel!! He is having a very hard time in school. the kids are picking on him, he says the teacher won't answer his questions, and therefore he doesn't want to go any more. He wants to go to a different school altogether, so he tells me. His grades are dropping rapidly. He is having a hard time concentrating on anything else besides what happened to Aaron. All of the conversations that he starts with me involve questions about Aaron's death. He is mind is totally consumed with it. I feel that is why he is having a hard time in school right now. The only thing I know to do at this point is to get everyone involved to pray for him. Thank you, Christina


Jeanne robinson said...

I will be in prayer for you and Samuel , if it is ok with you I will put you all on the prayer list at school and at Church please let me know on my Blog, "Meet The Robinsons"If it is OK I am sure it will be, But I want to make sure. Love you Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Christina, I have been watching your blog and praying for your family regularly. I want to thank you for your honesty in keeping us updated about your lives. I will certainly pray specifically for Samuel. Is he still going to the therapist? Is it helping and does she have any suggestions for you? You are already doing the number one thing by taking it to God first. Take care and let us know when you get to visit again. We love y'all. Diana

Anonymous said...

I read your blog each week and many days share in your tears. As your sister in Christ, my heart hurts with you and know that every day I pray for you and the kids. I know what a challenge just friends and school can be at Samuel's age, Jordan & Ethan have similar experiences with how mean kids can be and differences they might have with teachers. As their mom I am always wanting to fix their problems and I do my fair share of trying, but lately God has told me to be still, love them encourage them and guide them to Him. Honestly I'm not-so-great at being still I want to do something. If you don't mind, I would like to share with my boys a little about what is going on with Samuel & Chandler and wanted to know if perhapse it might be nice to for them to be pen pals and get to know your boys again. Jordan & Ethan loved playing with them when we lived in N. Little Rock. We are going to spend 4-6 weeks in Little Rock this summer and I would love to see you guys. In Him - Ellen Edwards

Jeanne robinson said...

I pray for you so much. i am so sadden that the children have to go through this valley in your life. It is so hard for us as adults to understand, I can not imagine what is going on in their heads. Samual was so close to his dad. I remember very well when he was in my Sunday School class. How he would pray so hard for his daddy to come home safe. My heart hurts. Please remember that you are in my constant prayers, and I am so proud of you. You are so strong. I let the church office know and you all are on the prayer list. Also for the school. Love ya Have a blessed and peaceful week Jeanne