Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the past few days

Sunday...the day of rest. This Sunday was not like any other Sunday before. The sermon was great! That is not what was different. I had to park in the lower parking lot that morning because we were running a little late. So after church we hitched a ride with April to the lower lot so we all wouldn't have to walk the whole way. Ty joked around that we looked like a bunch of Mexicans in the car. Once we all were out I shut the door and got my finger caught in the door. I tried to pull it out but the door was completely shut. I yelled and yelled for someone to open the door, but they thought I was joking about something. Needless to say I was not joking. Once someone, I don't even know who, opened the door my fingernail was already black and blue and the skin was cut and bleeding. It throbbed until the next morning. The only time it didn't hurt was when I took a nap before evening service.

Samuel had not finished his homework over the weekend( a procrastinator just like his dad) so when we got home form church Samuel had to finish his note cards for his report that he is doing on Lincoln. It was about 11Pm and I heard this noise form up stairs. It was Lanie. I went to check on her and she was covered in vomit from head to toe. Sorry you probably didn't need that visual. I put her in the tub and then I had to clean up the stairs and the bed. While I was taking her PJ's off she looked at me and said a real sweet innocent calm voice "I'm sorry Mommy" I told her it was ok it was not her fault at all.

Monday...Chandler woke up with a stomach ache so I let him stay home from school, but I told him that he was to stay in bed so that is what he did. He came down once for something to drink and when he did he threw-up too. I am so thankful that he knows that you go to the bathroom to do that!! That morning I received a call from my sister-in-law, Leah, telling me that Aaron's Grandmother, Grandma Charlotte was going to be able to go home from the hospital. She has been in and out of the hospital for some time now. We were discussing what a fighter she has been though all of her illnesses. Later that afternoon I received another call from Leah saying that Grandma Charlotte went to her Heavenly Home!! She is in no more pain and is rejoicing in Heaven with Aaron! We all will miss her deeply!! Check out Leah's site to find out more info(I'm sure she will be posting more than I can)

When I woke today I didn't want to get out of bed, but I knew that I had to for my children. They need their Mom! I know that I can do all things through Christ which strentghens me! Philippians 4:13

The kids all went to school and I put the 6 loads of laundry away that I had washed and folded the day before. I was trying to get the house picked up for a Pampered chef show that I am having tonight. Then I went to my counseling session and to the church and spoke to a few friends there before the kids got out of school. I also had went to tell our pastor that ever since he had spoke with Samuel he seems to be taking, accepting, or allowing things to be better.

On the way home today there were some military men on the side of the road waving everyone to get over and to slow down. I wasn't sure why but once I crested the top of the over pass a looked to my right I understood why they were doing that. There had been an accident. They stopped traffic and I was the 3rd car that got stopped. Once I stopped I looked over and there was a gentleman laying on the side of the road and his motorcycle was not to far from him. Needless to say....I lost it!! The ambulance pulled up while I was sitting there. I have no idea how bad the accident was but any motorcycle accident is not good. I prayed and prayed for him and the family that will be affected by the pain of the accident. Please keep this family in your prayers as well as me...I can't help to think that the Lord had me see this for some reason. Weather it to be an encouragement, a witness to the family, to be diligent in prayer for him or even just to let my emotions go and to learn to let the grief flow when it comes on.
Always looking up!!! ~ Christina~


Jeanne robinson said...

Christina, your blog again was very touching. The lord is working through you. What I am thinking I can not describe. you are amazing, super woman, strong and focused. I know has Aaron is looking down at you he is so proud of you. I can see his smile now as i write, he loved you and the children so much. May God keep you strong and I pray that the Lord heals the sickness in your house have a peaceful week love ya jeanne

CM said...

Christina, my friend....all I can say is, "thanks"!


Christie Ison said...

Hey girl...we had the same yucky experience with Morgan Wednesday night. Heard her crying at 1 a.m. and I walked into the same horror scene! Eww!! Anyway, she's better now, hope Lanie is too.

I know that your prayers are working powerfully in the lives of those around the person you saw in the accident. The prayers of the righteous (and even not-so-righteous, like me) availeth much!

You are a blessing. See you in the AM.
