One evening the boys were playing the Wii while I was trying to vacuum the living room and they had accidentally knocked down the Wii chargers and controls behind the TV. I told them that they were going to have to figure out how to get the remotes from behind the TV on their own because I was trying to get the floor vacuumed.
Well from the pictures it looked as though they came up with this plan 1st...wrong. They wanted to cut a hole in the back of my cabinet to get the controls out. Samuel went and got a steak knife out to do it with. Fortunately I saw him trying to do that and I stopped that right away.
Then they came up with the bright idea to have Chandler climb up on the TV and to reach down and grab the things that had fallen. What you don't see in this picture is the stool that Chandler climbed up there on.
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Well it looks like an eventful weekend, and a good weekend. They'll look back at these pictures some day, and wonder just how Chandler was able to squeeze in there, and also think ... mom said she was vaccuming, but somehow she had time to go get the camera and take pictures... maybe she was just teaching them to work together and figure out how to do some things on their own... but then again, with the "S" on her uniform, she probably did have the camera in one hand, the vaccum in the other, and cleaning the "small kitten" out of the vaccum all at the same time. Actually she probably was probably doing all of that, and a few other tasks at the same time too.
I'm glad that they are enjoying the wii. Maybe you should rig the charger so that it falls on a regular basis, so they will have to keep working together like that??
Anyway, I'm glad you and the kids had a good weekend.
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