Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another day.... another blog

The past couple of days I have been trying to spend some one on one time with each of my kids. Yesterday Samuel and I had an amazing conversation. Today we did as well. It wasn't as long todaybut it was definately more powerful. Samuel told me today that he has not been trusting God to guide us through our loss and that he wants to do that now. He also said that he didn't know how to do that. So I proceeded to tell him that he needed to lay it down at the altar(to give it all to God) and trust that he will take care of us, like I have.

Always looking up ~Christina~


CM said...

I actually have the privilege to leave the first message on this blog.

There is power in Prayer!! Daily I pray for you and the children as I am sure hundreds of other people do as well.

It is great news that Samuuel is allowing you to see his heart and knows that you have his best interest in mind. He will never forget these moments. I believe you are establishing and carrying on the legacy that Aaron instilled within all of you!

I know for me, it is a pleasure when my boys come and ask for help. I never turn them down because I know that some day they will have to make decisions for themselves. Our love and responsiblity to them is to train them the right and just way to handle situations that come up. The awesome thing is that you are sharing that with your children now.

Christina, you are an inspiration! Keep pressing forward!

Anonymous said...

TRUSTING GOD...Even though this SHOULD be the easiest, it sometimes can be the hardest thing to do. For young children, I think it can be easier (having childlike faith & trust). It's basically an unconsious decision to them, because they are already use to depending on their parents to take care of them, and that trust is extended to God. As an adult, we have to make a consious decision to trust God, because we know we need him. Not everybody knows God, and therefore they do not realize the benefits of trusting God. Those who do know Him don't always remember the importance of trusting Him with their future.

Even though Samuel is still technically a child, he is at an age where he is teetering on the edge of childhood but starting to think more like a teenager. He's starting to make decisions based on his opinion rather than just because. For that reason, he is learning to trust, as a consious decision. I'm glad he decided to talk to you about it. It sounds like he knows that it's important to trust God, but just doesn't know exactly how to do that. I know you'll help guide him to "lay it down at the alter" but he has to be the one to actually do it so he can feel the relief God will give him.

I know Samuel has been having a tough time. He's dealing with issues that some people never have to deal with. I hope and will continue to pray that he can get the relief that God can give if he does turn it over to Him. In the mean time, you stay strong for him and we keep praying! Your strength is important for the kids. Even though some may argue the issue, you are not Super-woman (actually I'm probably the one who would argue that issue). You need to take care of yourself too. I know you have trusted God with this entire situation, so stay strong in that trust. Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Lean on your friends anytime you need them. Last but definitely not least, follow your own advice and "Always look up"

Later, RC

Anonymous said...

Christina, I am so pleased to hear the amazing breakthrough for Samuel. Praise God for the answers to prayer!!! This is not the end of his struggles, but it is so wonderful to know he is turning in the right direction (to you and in turn, to God). We will continue to pray for you and your family. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with your post - although I do enjoy reading them - it keeps me up & allows pray for you guys for specific things.

Anyway, question - is my blog not cool enough to be linked to yours? Yours is on mine.


Anonymous said... a word that I don't use very often. Actually in the biblical context I use it more than in normal/everyday conversation. Probably the most common way I've used it is in talking about God's amazing grace. My dictionary shows the word AMAZE/AMAZING/AMAZED/AMAZES...And defines it as...To affect with surprise or great wonder; astonishment; To bewilder.

When talking about God's grace being amazing, what I really mean is that..I truely do not understand how or why God can give me so much that I truely do not deserve...most importantly...He saved me!

Now..I want to talk about something a little different. Using the word AMAZING in non-biblical context. I don't do that very often. When I think about something that is truely amazing to me, I have ALWAYS thought of my Mother. My Mother is an amazing lady (to me), and I believe to a lot of other people. My Mother raised six children with an age span of fifteen years (My oldest sister is fifteen years older than me). That's not the amazing part. The amazing part is this...My Mother was a "stay-at-home" mom and she raised us with very little help from my Daddy, He worked ALL the time. Everything she did, was done with VERY little money. My Mother gardened to raise food for us in the summer, and would can or freeze food for the winter. She hung all of the clothes out to dry because we didn't have a dryer until I was 9 or 10 years old so the other kids were practically grown by then. She made my two sisters clothes until they were practically grown. She shuttled us all around for years (From the time my oldest sister started to school, until I finished school was 33 years). My mother is now 77 years old, and still can out-work the majority of my family when it comes to gardening, cooking, yardwork, and babysitting. My Mother still to this day, actually dresses up to go to town to buy groceries. My mother has never thought of herself as being anything more than a housewife who doesn't deserve any recognition.

I've said all of that, to say this.... When I use the word AMAZING, I don't use it lightly. Amazing things happen around us at times. There are some pretty amazing places to see in our country and world. However, amazing people are rare, and they seem to never think that they deserve the title "amazing".

If I tell someone they are amazing and they agree, I would say that I probably was wrong to label them with the word. Truely amazing people never see themselves as amazing!

Isn't that amazing?

Stacy Wilson said...

Im glad to hear Samuel is opening up to you. He is such a sweet boy and I know he misses his Daddy. You and the kids are always in my prayers and I think of you often.