Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I have been tagged( back in Feb)

I have been tagged….a while ago…..I’m not good at these things but here it goes.
This is how it works….. I am supposed to tell you 7 things that you might not know about me…

1. I was married before Aaron and before I became a Christian…It was the typical infatuation, I cannot live without you, no one else can have you type of love. My mom begged me not to get married. I told her I would make it work…boy was I wrong. I even told my dad before he walked me down the isle that I thought I was making a mistake. He said it was just nerves….Dad’s if your daughter tells you that she thinks that she is making a mistake please do not tell her that it is just her nerves. Let her have a few minutes to really process what is taking place so that she does not make the biggest mistake of her life. That marriage ended in divorce because of physical abuse.

2. I met Aaron a year after my divorce and then a month later my Aunt led me to the Lord, I was 23 yrs old. Do not ever give up on someone coming to know Christ because of his or her age, what they believe, or their background. Aaron and I were married 2 months later. People thought it was too soon but Aaron and I knew that the Lord had put us together for a reason!! We did have our ups and downs but who doesn’t! Through all of those circumstances, we were able to witness and encourage so many people along the way.

3. I love to horseback ride. I use to do this as a child at TLC. That was the day care that I went to while my mom worked to support me and my sister and brother. I use to go trail riding, barrel racing and I even did some bronco riding. I got 1st place for that. Horses seem to make everything that is going on my mind disappear. The experience of riding them calms what is going on inside of me. They help me to think about nothing else but the wind rushing through my hair and on my face. Its hard to capture in words the freeness of how being on a horse makes me feel.

4. In 1999, after I had Chandler, I went to my 6-week check-up and they were concerned that my thyroid had not gone back down to normal. To make a long story short, they tested me for all kinds of things. The results were CANCER. I was devastated. How could I at 26 yrs old have cancer? They aspirated it and did a test and the test results were benign. Praise the Lord! A few months later it started to hurt me, so they said that I could have it removed. In Sept. I went in to have it removed and the technician came in and said that the Dr. was not going to do the surgery that day because he was woke up at 3AM with something telling him that if he did the surgery he would loose me. I know that it was God waking him and allowing him to realize that. He gave me iodine drops (which I am allergic to topically) to ingest for a month to kill the cancer cells. A month later, I had the surgery. They removed the whole thyroid and 2 other cancerous tumors (they were also benign) that they did not know about. One was around my ephosogus and the other was around one of my vocal chords. They actually had to cut the vocal chord to get the tumor off. I could not speak for 3 months after the surgery. That was tough! Not because I talk much but because I had a husband and 2 children that I needed to speak to. I remember writing notes to people. I could lean over into your ear and you could hear me but not very well at all. God has really done an amazing work in my life.

5. When we lived in Florida, we were in an accident. Aaron was driving and Samuel and Chandler were in the back seat. I do not remember if I was pregnant with Lanie yet or not. I do not believe so. Anyways, We were traveling East bound back to FL from AL when a car that was heading West bound crossed the median and hit the car directly in front of us head on. The car in front of us veered to the right and the other car slid on top the overpass and landed across the bridge. No cars could get through. We did not hit anything….there was debris that flew around us and that we ran over but we did not impact either car! Amazing! When I looked up and opened my eyes, I instantly asked Aaron in a terrified voice saying, “Why aren’t we dead, why didn’t we hit that car?” The only explanation is that it was God that literally guided our car through the wreckage. Aaron pulled over and went to help the woman of the car that was hit in front of us and she could not be helped she was already gone. Sorry to be graphic but I want you all to realize how bad this accident really was. She was decapitated. Her friend in the passenger seat had to be life lighted to a nearby hospital. She was very bad off. Then Aaron went to see if he could help the people in the other car. The driver was thrown out and seemed fine but when Aaron got up to him, he told the boys friends that there was nothing anyone could do that he was gone. They begged him to help more but he couldn’t. His girlfriend that was traveling in the passenger seat had only a few cuts and bruises. Through this experience, it made me realize that we are not promised tomorrow so, if you do not have a relationship with the Savior I beg of you to find it so that you will spend eternity in Heaven instead of Hell.

6. I love to fly anywhere…I love the experience of flying, (I don’t know how to fly the plane but I sure know how to ride in one) looking out the window, the anticipation of taking off and landing, flying through the clouds. It is all such a rush for me.

7. I started work when I was 12 yrs old working at an arcade beside a water slide. That was the coolest job! Lots of cute guys! We had a place in there where you could buy snow cones. I was the snow cone queen! The line wrapped around the building to get a snow cone! I had that job because my mom was a single mom and if I WANTED anything then I had to pay for it myself. After holding that job for 3 summers, I decided that I needed to get something during the year so that I could get a car. At the age of 15, I started working at Little Caesars. At the age of 17, I was testing for Assistant Manger and I was robbed by gunpoint. That was not fun at all. I was terrified!!! By the age of 21, I was a floating Manager. That means that I went around to the different restaurants until they could give me my own close to where I lived. I worked there until I was 24. It was at that time that Aaron my late husband told me that either I quit my job and find a different one or he wasn’t going to marry me. Needless to say, I did exactly what he wanted me to do. The hours were long and exhausting and he did not like that. He hated seeing me tired.

I think you all have read just about enough of the Christina drama….
Always looking up!! ~ Christina~


RC said...

WOW.. You've definitely had an eventful life. I knew some of this, but some of the rest is surprising. It took all of that to mold you into who you are. Even though some of it was difficult to go through, you've become stronger for it.

To me though, the Snow Cone/Arcade job is the most surprising but explains a couple of very nice characteristics about you...!


Anonymous said...

Christina, just had a chance to read your blog last night...so now I'm responding. I knew you liked horses, but didn't realize your sincere desire to spend that much time with them. It just solidified something that I want to give you when you come to PA. I know you will enjoy it.

It's always difficult to share our lives like an open book. But on the other hand, it always shows others just how human we really are, and we all experience "life". It's those life experiences that bring the character that the Lord desires in each of our lives. He's still working on us all. With each experience we can either become bitter or better---you've chosen to become better(Christ Like).

Don't forget to share these stories with the kids...these become markers in our lives as to how the Lord has worked. Kind of like Moses with the 12 stones. They become monuments of his faithfulness!!

Happy Happy Birthday to Samuel! A card is on the way...But I also have something waiting for him here in PA too!

The pictures are beautiful! Lanie is so growing up!! It's happening over night! I would love a copy of the family portrait it is precious!
Love you all! Amy H.

Anita said...

I hope you don't mind, but I went to your blog by way of Beth's. I love all the photos of the kids, you, and your cousins. It is nice to see all the smiles! I also am so thankful to know more about you! You are truely a person that has and is letting God use you as a witness to others. Keep your eyes on the Lord, and I do believe that you will come to see all of your children receive Him as their Savior! (That is such a thrill!)

I miss my own kids being younger,(easier to kiss & hung on! ha) but I love the times I have with them now...as teens growing and maturing in the Lord.

I don't know if you know or not, but our oldest son, Ben, wrote about Aaron and his postive influence on his life as part of his Senior English Scrapbook Entries. One of the most impressive things to me was that Ben wrote that, "... Aaron loved the Lord and loved his wife!"

Keep God with you and remember you and your children are loved by many! Please do not hesitate to ask us for help with babysitting, errands, or just to talk/visit.
I love that you are continuing to look up to Jesus! Please keep doing so!

Your Friend in Christ,
Anita Sawyer

Anita said...

I found a new verse for you:

"I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children are walking in the truth." -- 3 John 1:4

I pray for this joy for you!