Monday, April 28, 2008

new pictures

I hope that you all enjoy these pictures!! We had so much fun taking them!! Thanks to my friend Kristen who did these for me. If you would like her to do some for you let me know and I can give her your info, she is doing this as a source of income.


Michelle said...

The pics are wonderful!!!!!! I especially love the black and whites.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! Is your friend willing to come to Wa. to take our pics? :) I love the build-a-bear in the pics!!

Margie said...

Christina and kids - I absolutely love the black and white picture of you all walking. I just melts my heart to see you all happy again and loving life. I can see the happiness in the kids eyes and can feel your faith. You are an amzaing person and fantastic mom. I love you!