Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pictures I promised...a few days late...sorry!

All of these pictures are the pictures form Spring Break down in Fort Walton Beach, Navarre and Destin, Florida. We miss it so much. Can't wait to go back in July for a while!!

Samuel being silly!!
Bennett climbing on the outside wall of the lighthouse
Chandler crawling into the lighthouse through the window.
Lanie and the friend she made while playing!
My kids with the little boy that we met in Navarre Beach while picking up shells off of the beach.
The kids all playing in the surf
Lanie and Bennett making "sand angels"
Bennett couldn't get in the water he would just get close enough to get his feet wet and then run back up to shore to dry off.

Titus and Chandler
Rayna and I thought they were so cute in their matching jeans and no shirts
Me and my oldest boy....I can't believe he will be 11 soon!!
Lanie making more "sand angels"
She wouldn't get near the water at all
Bennett and I buried Samuel.....I had never done that to anyone before..that was so much fun!!
The pictures were here a minute ago but I guess I deleted them...oops

Chandler feeding the seagulls
Uncle Rod holding out a piece of bread for the birds to take out of his hand...and they did!!

me with the kids at FWB landing Feeding the seagulls
My pretty girl

Lanie finally started hunting(picking up) eggs at the egg hunt. She was petrified of the Easter Bunny so she had to make sure the coast was clear.
The kids and Aunt Debbie looking to see if any of them got a special egg.
My kids with my cousins kids
Me with the kids...obviously I love this picture!!

I took the kids to a hibachi restaurant on afternoon. We met rayna with her kids there and my friend Leslie with her kids there. Lanie was petrified of course & Bennett was ok.

Lanie wouldn't get in the picture here oh well
My blessings that God has entrusted me with!!
Bennett loves to play the guitar...he can actually make it sound ok
Samuel and his cheesy smile
Lanie loves to color

Samuel riding Cheree's horse

Chandlers turn
Bennett loved riding...he didn't want to get off. When it came turn for Lanie to ride she didn't want to so Bennett said that he would take her turn. I even trotted and cantered with him on there and he loved it. He laughed the whole time.

Bennett and Cheree giving the horse a treat
Ok we finally got Lanie on but it wasn't easy she was kicking and screaming

Our former neighbor JH with the kids on his mower. They always loved to mow the grass on the mower with him

Chandler and Bennett in the rec room at the 4th(the gunship squadron that Aaron formally flew with). We got a personal tour of the aircraft and met with the commander( which was a friend of mine and Aaron's) they treated us like royalty Here Samuel is in the bubble...the bubble is in the very back of the plane. This is where the Loadmaster would look out for any missile threats. This is what Aaron would do during the missions.

Rayna with her son Colton
The water was so cold but it dosen't stop the kids

Rayna, me and cousins which are sisters
Every time Bennett got out of the water he had to come and dry off

Lanie and Abagail in the tree playhouse(its more like a cabin on stilts)
Samuel on the zip line
All the kids eating ice cream
Lanie the Hamm
Bennett was pretending to shoot me

1 comment:

Amy said...

Christina, it looked like you guys had a blast! I know it must have been good to get away and around some family. I love the close up picture of all your kiddos together! I prayed for you this morning!