Monday, June 16, 2008

a very difficult question

As I sit here and ponder the question that I am suppose to answer at the trial on Thursday I just can't hold back the tears. They want me to answer the question......How has Aaron's death effected our lives?....... Where do you start or end for that matter?

I have written lots and lots of things down to answer that question but will not publish it right now. After the sentencing on Thursday I might. I'm not sure.
I think that the only reason that I would is to make other people aware that they are putting their life in danger and others lives in danger around them when they make bad choices. I know that a motorcycle rider knows the consequences of riding a bike but, I don't think that they think that the consequences affect more than themselves. Well I have a news flash...IT DOES!!! It affects their entire family and lots of other peoples lives too. If I can make drivers aware that one small tiny bad decision can effect so many peoples lives then maybe, just maybe, they will look twice and slow down before they go about their way in a hurry. That would be the only reason that I would publish what I wrote.

Continuing to look up ~ Christina~


Rhonda's Rants! said...

God will give you the courage and the words needed on Thursday! Know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you and the children and that if you need me I can be reached on my cell. Deut 31:6 says "Be strong and courageous. Do no be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you."

Call me if you need me, phones still work in Orlando! ;)

Love you guys

RC said...

It still makes no sense to me that they should even have you try to answer that. It looks like any judge and jury should be able to understand how this affects a family, but I guess in today's standards of families, many people don't even know what it's like to have a man in the family to begin with much less lose that person and for him to have been one like Aaron.

That truely would be a difficult question to answer. I know that from the outside looking in, there are lots of ways that anyone could see that it changed you and the kids lives. When you add the factors of feelings and emotions, the answer just gets longer and longer.

I know you well enough to know that you'll do a great job. This is one time though that you don't have to be strong for everyone else. You can let your feelings show completely. It might even be a cleansing process for you when it's all said and done? You told me once that you never intended to see this girl that did this. That probably will be the most difficult part of the whole ordeal. Just remember where your strength comes from. This may be extremely difficult, but the Lord is with you all the time.

Remember, your friends love you and will be praying for you as you face this hurdle.


Jeanne robinson said...

hey girl just letting you know that you are in my upmost prayers and that I love ya hang in there GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!!! please allow God to to lead in in this trial that you are in. He will take over and give you peace i know He will love ya Jeanne

Susan said...

Bless your heart Christina. I think of you everyday!!! I don't really know of anything to say that might help you with your upcoming date... The only thing I can do is to tell you that I am here for you, I love you dearly and I am praying for you guys. If you need me, I am only a call away. I will talk to you soon. Susan

Jeanne robinson said...

Through our busy day with VBS going on the Lord laid you on my heart. I pray all is well Love ya Jeanne