Friday, June 20, 2008

My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday...another year older and another year wiser, so they say. I had a wonderful birthday despite the hearing that took place regarding Aaron's accident. The day started with a hot relaxing bath, then I got ready for the hearing. After the hearing, Aaron's parents, my mother and my grandmother went to lunch. We came home and played outside with the kids, swam and had an awesome meal that my mom to cooked just for me. I received many gifts which was not expected. It was a very nice birthday.

I know that many of you are wondering about what happened at the hearing. Aaron's mom, Linda, got up on the stand 1st and spoke. I was next, a co-worker from the base that was Aaron's friend went and then his friend John, that went to Church with us and that was riding with him the day of the accident, went last. I was touched at how deep that Aaron affected the lives of his friends. After we were done there were a few people who spoke on her behalf. Her mother and a doctor spoke then there was a small recess. During the recess she decided to get on the stand. She apologized many times for what had happened and said that she would do anything that we wanted. She received a 500.00 fine and community service speaking at defencive driving courses and possibly for drivers ed courses at the high schools. It was not determined specifically what type of community service exactly but, she will have to do that. I am very happy with the decision that was made, it was exactly what we wanted. If her speaking to others will make people think twice about obeying the traffic laws then maybe that will save someone elses life.
After the hearing Her mother came up to me and apologized and I told her that I forgave her and that I wanted to talk to her. I did in fact do that. I thought that that would be the hardest thing that I would have to do but it wasn't. I was very calm and told her that I forgave her and that there was something that I did in fact want her to do. She said anything, I told her that I wanted her to go to church and that if I had to take her I would. I also told her that I didn't want her trying to take her life and if she tried again that I would be upset with her. I told her that even though Aaron's death has brought a lot of bad to our lives it has also brought a lot of good to and that she could be another good thing that could come from it. She asked me if I wanted her phone # and I said yes. I told her I would call her and she said "you promise?". I told her yes I promise. I hugged her and we both cried.
I know that some of you can't understand how I could have done any of this. It is only because of Jesus Christ being in and a part of my life that I could have ever done it. Jesus forgave me therefore I forgive. 2 Corinthians 2:7 ...... "You ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow."

We are all trying to bring some closure to our lives so that we can live for what is most important and that is for Christ. In Philippians 3:13-14 Paul and and Timothy wrote to the people.... Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Do not take this wrong I will never ever forget Aaron!!!! I choose to forget the accident, the trial and the mistakes that I have made since then.

Always looking up~Christina~


ssgailey said...

Living in anger and regret is very destructive. This is why the Bible tells us to forgive. It takes a lot of courage and strength to forgive another and you showed that! I think that is exactly what Aaron would have done and what he would have wanted you to do. I think he would have loved the fact that you reached out to that girl (sorry I do not know her name). I wouldn't be surprised if she did decide to turn to Christ because you choose to reach out and show her the love and forgiveness of the Lord Jesus Christ. I think talking to you and seeing how much peace you have in your heart, because of God, that it will make her hunger for that same peace. Your story is an amazing testimony to others. I like to share it at times with other people as a example of how God can take a tramatic event and create many mirales from it.

With Love and Respect,

Stacy Gailey

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you. I hope that if I were ever in a similar situation that I could show Christ's love and forgiveness like you did to that girl. You are awesome Christina!


Jeanne robinson said...

I am very proud of you and I understand how you can forgive her and I can see how you handle the young Lady. I know your heart and I was praying that God would just take over and lead you. He DID. Our God is so GOOD.You did what the Lord wanted you to do and I know Aaron is smiling his big smile and he is very proud of you.

Keep winning the souls for Christ.

Love Ya I am super proud of you!! Your teaching me alot. If you only knew Christina. What a impact YOU have had on my life since you lost you husband. What a inspiration you are to me and many others.

Love Jeanne

RC said...


Do you ever have those days where it seems that everything is so extremely serious that it makes most other days just seem so trivial? Those days where you almost need to get someone to take a picture of you with your elbow on your knee and your chin propped on your hand like "The Thinker"? Well, I suppose yesterday was one of those days for me. The day started with work, like normal. But the day was filled with so much reality! I got to thinking about the 19th, four years ago, when I found out about my Dad's accident and the emotions surrounding that time. I left work to head to Cabot for the hearing, and was detoured around a horrible 4 vehicle accident on 67/167 by the mall, that just brought back more memories. Then the hearing. Up to that point, I had been in much of a downer sort of mood for the day. But then when the hearing started, and I heard Ms. McCoy... When she turned and looked at the girl... and began witnessing to her...from the witness stand...the day began to change. I forgot all about how I had felt earlier in the day! I know there was a lot of sadness being felt and expressed in the courtroom, but listening to each of you talk about Aaron and what he would have wanted you to do/say in this setting, actually made my day get better. When I heard you invite her to church, and offer to bring her with you... well it was just one of those moments where I have to admit that I got a little emotional myself. As I've said before, you amaze me sometimes. I know I told you on Wednesday night, but I forgot to tell you Happy Birthday yesterday. I guess everything else had my thoughts scattered. It sounds like you had a good birthday. #36 looks good on you!!

Having said all of that, I know you are glad that yesterday is over, and the scripture about "straining toward what is ahead" is very fitting. Enjoy your weekend and I will talk to you later.


Michelle said...

That was SOOO The Lord of Hosts working in you on Thursday. That morning, I woke up and said a prayer for you, and your family. For some reason, I felt the Lord leading me to pray for His will to be done. As I kept praying that I closed my eyes and envisioned an encounter between you and this young lady.. It was SO strong that the longer I prayed, the longer I knew that you would speak to her. So I prayed for the peace that passes all understanding and unconditional forgiveness. Then, I had the strongest feeling that this girl will be saved as a result of this ordeal. If it were not for the fact that I knew the Lord was speaking to me I would have thought it quite strange. I will continue to pray for the Lord's will to be done in this young lady's life and heart, as will I keep you and your family in my prayers.
In His name,
Michelle Davis

Leah said...

You were in our prayers on Thursday. Mother called me that afternoon to update me. I wish I could have been there but then again I don't know how well I would have handled it.
Love your thoughts today - as a matter of fact Phil. 3:13-14 are my life verses! I've committed them to memory to remind me to keep looking forward to the goal God has for me (but reminding myself where He has brought me from).
Love you all - loved having Samuel a bit longer. I hope to post pictures soon. Right now we are out of town and then Joel has surgery next week! Whew
love you ~Leah

CM said...

Hey there!!!!

Thank you for sharing with us your ups and your downs.

Just as others have said on here, you, your faith, and the Godly example that you have lived has been a great inspiration to me and I believe is a part of scripture that tells us to spure one another on towards love and good deeds!

It is wonderful to hear that in your travels that your time with the children is "eventful" and your experiencing the joys of motherhood.... :-)

As for Samuel....I know the Lord is guding you and I am confident that you will find the proper balance with love and discipline for him and all the kids.

It is great to hear how you have now through Jesus Christ influenced another life for Him and have used this situations to Show God's love.

All things do work together for the good of them that love Him and are called according to His purpose in Christ Jesus.

Chat with you later.

Love ya