Thursday, July 17, 2008

the journey continues

We are now in South Carolina at my mothers house. Not sure if the time change is effecting my sleep but I am very worn could be all of the traveling and wanting to be home. Oh well, what ever it is God will get me through it, like he always does.
We have been here 2 days and the boys are already on restriction to their rooms for the day. When will the sibling rivalry end? does it ever end? We were suppose to go rafting today but that trip got canceled as soon as we got in the car to leave. I sure hope that they learn their lesson today!!! I am getting worn out with their attitudes. It will soon pass as all things do!!! (me being positive) Since they are restricted today the rest of us are just hanging out here at my moms not doing much of anything, that is why I am on this thing or other wise I probably wouldn't be writing right now.
For the past 2 days we have gone fishing & tubing, the kids have ridden the golf cart all around the property, we drove to Seneca and Clemson and saw lots of things and stopped at the botanical gardens on our way there we stopped at the self-serve produce market where we saw two loose pigs eating all of the corn and cantaloupe and anything else that they could find on the ground. For those of you city folk that don't know what a self serve produce market is let me is where you pick up your produce and leave the money in a jar and the owner comes at the end of the day to pick up the money that was left. It is based on the honor system. That sure wouldn't work in many many towns in the U.S. That is a shame.
The kids are getting hungry so I need to go and get them lunch.


1 comment:

RC said...

It's good to hear an update, but also I guess disappointing to hear that the boys are at each other and not in perfect moods. I'm back at home, poked, proded, bruised, shaved and sore, but I'll give you more info on that later. I miss you all, and wish you were home. Tell the kids hello for me and give them big hugs.

I guess you could just give the boys a frying pan or wooden spoon each and let them go to town.. Samuel could probably hit harder, but Chandler could probably run circles around Samuel and catch him from behind. It might be worth paying for ringside tickets?

Anyway, I hope the rest of your trip is relaxing and safe, and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
